The Health Benefits Of Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga is one of the oldest forms of yoga, dating back from the early 15th century. In recent years, it has become more and more popular as a great way of improving fitness levels and as a form of treatment for many spine conditions. As Hatha yoga has become more common, several off-shoots of this form of yoga have appeared including Power Yoga and Ashtanga Yoga.
The name "Hatha" comes from the ancient Indo-Aryan language and is the combination of 2 words, "ha" meaning sun and "tha" meaning moon. The idea behind Hatha yoga is to combine both opposite ends, uniting them together. Principally, Hatha Yoga main components are postures (Asana) and breathing control (Pranayama). These components, when practiced will allow you to balance the mind and body.
What to Expect from a Hatha Yoga Class 

Every yoga class is a little different, but they all use the same basic philosophical grounding. The average modern yoga class is between 45 and 90 minutes long and starts with a meditative breathing session followed by a physical warm-up. The class gradually grows more demanding, but many offer alternative versions of the poses, or asanas, to allow disabled people or those in poor physical condition to participate. Some variations, such as ashtanga yoga, are quite active, while traditional hatha practice is relatively slow. Another session of meditation finishes the class, allowing participants to "cool down."

Types of Asanas (Poses)
There are several types of yoga poses that incorporate the hatha style of yoga. They can be done easily with practice and patience as hatha yoga is more for beginners. The types of poses, or asanas, are:
• Seated 

• Twists 
• Inversion 
• Balancing 
• Core strengthening 
• Back bending 
• Forward bending 
• Side bending 
• Hip opening 
• Prone yoga poses 
• Supine yoga poses 
• Standing yoga poses

In 2005, it was estimated that there were at least 16,5 million people who practiced Yoga in the United States alone. Hatha Yoga's popularity can be contributed to its benefits to both mind and body. If you have never tried Yoga before, this may be the prefect starting point to begin.
Though Hatha Yoga is safe and beneficial when practiced correctly, if you have health problems you should consult with your healthcare provider before beginning any exercise program.


  1. Yoga helps to improve flexibility and muscle joint mobility. It helps to strengthen the muscles and improve their suppleness. People who suffer from arthritis, back problem, joint problems, and other muscular-skeletal problems experience a marked improvement in their condition after regularly practicing yoga. There are poses in yoga that are specifically designed to help people with various muscular-skeletal problems.

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  2. Also these particular forms of yoga require you to keep your body moving constantly between each pose, so as a result you are doing a more strenuous cardiovascular workout which is then helping to improve core strength.

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